October 8, 2024

Wonderful Tuesday.

 I love this!  And he IS driving safely after all. 

I said wonderful Tuesday because it is sunny. and very cool.  NO humidity..and it got down to 52 in the night.  My legs were freezing and so were mom's.  She hadda rare up outta a sound sleep and tugged the flannel nighty back down where it belonged.  Turning and twisting does that sometimes --and she was cold!  Me too. 

I had a bumpy several days- but I'm back to normal again.  Make mom awfully happy.  Me too. 

You can see the deep fast tracks of my running while mom was gone this morning.  

Mom saw the same deep tracks all over the house where I had gone from window to window to track that big lady cat! She's not going to trick me! 

September 30, 2024

Good Grief! + A Just Now Addition of 2 More Pictures

 Mom said she can no longer...not for the past 2 weeks, come into the computer and sit down in front of the computer with her first hot cup of coffee and her egg.  Why?  

And the reason is that after all of these years, I have finally learned to lay on the keyboard, circle the computer screen over and over when not on the keyboard,  and walk on the keyboard.  I stand in front of the screen while resting on the keyboard.  I threaten getting burnt, or knocking over the very big hot cup of coffee. and her egg constantly.  These pictures are when I am being totally precious, purry and adorable.  But if she even flinches, I am up..making sweet sounds and starting my routine all over again.  She gives up and goes to the table the way she should have to begin with.  She loves reading mail and answering blogs with her breakfast.  Now I won't let her.  She is not a happy camper about my change of venue  I used to sit on the steps next to her, or in my beddie.   Right after she dictated the blog:
Keyboard on printer,  Her in front of the computer.  HISS! 

September 27, 2024


 We cats and parents here in east TN also have some wind and rain.  Our wind however exactly--- I am guessing from figures sent out by the NOAA weather bureau, is gusting no more than 50 mph and sustaining winds are 20+.  We've probably had maybe 5 inches of rain in several days.  This has broken the drought we were in and I am sure glad.  Usually, it seems like it rains here 7/24/365.  But when it doesn't, it is the opposite.  Dry and hot 7/24/365!  We are grateful for our rain here.  

Mom said she has to call the new Vet office and make it, me, official.  She will do that either within the hour or Monday morning.  She told me to tell you I am still eating.  Not quite the amazing 2 cans in a day of wet food but at least 1 can.  I hope I keep it up.  When Mom makes it official, she will have to get my food there.  I can about guarantee that I won't like it.  So Mom and I may be going round and round again about not eating. Ya never know. 

Mommy had a good--week early-- birthday.  Everyone is gone or was gone rather, for the real day.  So we had it a week early.  I think I already told you that mom got a little but real meteorite for her birthday.  Other things too.   Here is a piece of her cake.  My human sissy-in-law is in the picture too. 

Mom's first slice of cake.  Trust me...she always has 2. 

Mom said she would like to peel the icing off, bite/eat on it till it's gone,  and just eat it that way.  Mom still has those little party favors.  She loves to be silly in the car and blow on that one thing that makes the ribbon of paper shoot out and fly back inside again for the next breath.  She told me she never knew its real name.   The ice cream cone-looking thing flips its "ice cream" off with the press of a button on the cone.  Fun. 

September 20, 2024

Today Was the Day

 Kitties!  I went to the new Vet today.  The worst thing about it was the waiting room was packed with dogs.  Many large.  Mom and I got used to a fear-free clinic where cats and dogs are separated...even differing doors.  It was hard for me, I admit.  

This morning.  Two of the dogs.  They were well behaved though. 

I met the Vet...Mom asked if he would want me as a patient as I am not tractable like a dog and fearful.  Mom pulled the floor out and forward of my PTU and there I was!  The tech put me on a great flat scale and while it jiggled some, it looks like I weighed just over 10 pounds.  So I gained a pound!  That's great.  We decided that trying to go on the hyperthyroid diet canned and dry, would be a good option since we know what happened with the methimazole and mom.  If mom could only pill me, we'd be cooking with gas. 

While I was out there, I went to mom's chest immediately and pressed close.  She wrapped both arms around me and I was calm.  I seemed so sweet pressed into mommy.   The Vet came in, (we were there for questions---a meet and greet and how-do-you-dos only... and asked to see her face...then, as he put it "the other end".   He looked in her ears and got a flash of her mouth as she opened wide to yawn twice. He remarked on my whole body look that I was in excellent shape for a 17 year old girl. I got my claws cutted and for 11$ less than where I go now.  I raised cain for that.  Not sure why. 

MOM HERE:  He said that the present Vet was right.  Katie can't go to the University after all as the KD would preclude the I-131.  I said I was never told that during a discussion many times with the present Vet regarding that.  

I asked what he'd do for senior exams etc. and he said he would likely sedate her, as does the one we are still with until I change it.  

Look at me within an hour of getting home...though I did come out for Mom's friend who visited for several hours.  I love her friends and always come to greet them.  This is HER side of the bed!! 

Mom changed bedspreads and I like this smooth one.  The crocheted one is harder.

September 15, 2024

I Loved This. Made me Smile BIG.

 Sorry if anyone is offended.      Frown, take a deep breath if you are, offended and just move on to the next blog.  Stick your tongue out at me on your way out if you want to.  Know mine will be out too in your direction. 

I'll turn around in a minute and check if there is a bow and arrow aimed at me.  

September 13, 2024

Another Day, Another Can of......

 Kitties!  Woofies!  Mom has something figured out.  When I turn down my wet food yet again, she will wait a few minutes, maybe half an hour, and carry it to wherever I am, She holds the bowl in front of me and I eat.  I finished off my entire breakfast that way.  This morning I got my brushies as I monorailed on the tub edge.  Then, Mom excused herself (I heard her do it...it was to keep me from moving away somewhere..it works...)  When she returned she was carrying my spurned breakfast.  She held it in front of me and I licked the dish clean.  

That works many times but not every time.  There is just something about eating at her usual place with her dishes on the placemat. She doesn't like it anymore.  Sometimes I just put it down in her room... and she'll come out from her nap in the PTU or wherever she is, and tuck in. *shrugs shoulders*

Mom keeps jumping up to move the hose.  She has to water our gardenias and camellias during the drought.  She has almost lost one.   She was always complaining about everlasting rain...now we have everlasting dry days. 

Monday, if Mom can get me, I go to a new Vet.  Purr for me or wuff softy if you are a woofie. 

There goes the timer on her watch.  She'll head out and move to the next gardenia.  XXOO  

Oh...pee ess:  Unless there is a way to keep the ear gel from getting on Mom during the day (yes, she used rubber gloves) and at night...that will continue not to be a solution.  If I groomed and some transferred to my paws, I am in mom's arms or close to her so much, it got on her.  Kisses can't be given..it travels out of my ear ever so little, but rather than go on and on again...mom was getting a healthy dose.  The feeling is cold on the skin, by the way.  I will get another opinion about the Iodine131 perhaps on Monday.

Thank you a zillion times over, each of you for the purrs and prayers and hopes for me.  Many huggles to each one of you. 

Before the gardenias started their dryness... Mom has 5 plants. 

Mom took this from her iPhone to show me off.  Two months old almost but..I'm still purty!